12 signs your content is failing and what to do about it

12 signs your content is failing and what to do about it

Content creation is a critical part of the online marketing mix.

It’s an incredibly powerful way to build relationships with potential customers and nurture them through the sales pipeline.

But, if your content isn’t performing as it should, it can be hard to know what’s wrong.

Today, I’m going to discuss 12 signs that your content is failing and what you can do about it.

1. Low website traffic

One of the clearest signs that your content isn’t performing as well as it should is low website traffic.

This could be due to a lack of promotion or poor SEO practices.

Low website traffic could mean lots of things but is generally a sign that something isn’t working with either the website itself or its content marketing strategy.

On one hand, low website traffic could be due to technical issues such as slow page speed or poor usability/navigation on mobile devices which can create friction for visitors trying to access the site’s content easily on any device type (desktop/tablet/mobile).

On the other hand, it may be due to a lack of promotion via other channels such as email newsletters or social media platforms where potential visitors could be directed back to the website in order to view more detailed information about a product or service they are interested in learning more about.

To address these issues consider running technical audits on websites periodically in order to identify any areas which need improvement in terms of speed/usability; Likewise, ensure that there are regular efforts across all digital channels (social media/email) that point to potential customers back towards websites where they can learn more detailed information before making a purchase decision.

Remember: increasing website traffic requires time and effort but it will be worth it in the long run.

2. Low engagement rates

Another sign of failing content is low engagement rates on your website and social media platforms.

Engagement metrics include likes, comments, shares, and other forms of interaction. 

Low engagement signals that your content isn’t resonating with your audience or that you’re targeting the wrong audience.

This could be due to boring or irrelevant content, inappropriate use of keywords, or lack of visuals such as images or videos.

To overcome this challenge, focus on creating interesting and relevant content that resonates with your target audience and encourages them to take action (e.g., subscribe to a newsletter). 

You should also consider using visuals such as images or videos that help break up the text and make the content more engaging and easier to read/watch. 

Finally, make sure you use appropriate keywords in the right places so that search engines can easily find your content when people search for related topics online.

3. Low organic reach

Organic reach refers to the number of people who see your post without paying for it (e.g., through advertising).

If you find that your organic reach is low or non-existent, then this could be an indication that there is something wrong with either the content itself or how it is being promoted on social media platforms or search engines.

To improve organic reach, check that all of your posts are correctly optimized for search engines (i.e., SEO).

Make sure to include relevant keywords in titles and descriptions as well as within the body of the post itself.

You should also use social media platforms to their full potential by regularly sharing content on them as well as engaging with other users in order to draw attention back to your own page/accounts.

Finally, consider using influencer marketing as a way to get more eyes on your content and increase organic reach exponentially.

4. Poor conversions

Another sign of failing content is poor conversion rates – i.e., visitors are not taking action after viewing your content (e.g., downloading an ebook, signing up for a newsletter, or purchasing a product). 

This could be due to confusing messaging, lack of call-to-actions (CTAs), or not enough compelling reasons for viewers/readers to take action (e.g., special offers/discounts). 

To increase conversions from your existing content, focus on improving the messaging by making it clear what you want viewers/readers to do (e.g., click here) as well as offering incentives such as discounts/freebies if they take action quickly (e.g., within 24 hours). 

You should also consider adding CTAs within relevant sections of the page so viewers/readers know exactly where they need to go next in order to take advantage of an offer or sign up for a service/product.

5. Low backlinks

Backlinks are an important part of any successful SEO strategy but if you don’t have enough backlinks pointing back to your website then this could be a sign that something isn’t quite right with your content marketing strategy. 

To improve backlinks, focus on creating high-quality, linkable assets such as infographics, ebooks, case studies, etc. 

Reach out to other websites in related industries that may benefit from linking back to one of these assets. 

Additionally, use social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn to share posts with industry influencers who may be willing to link back if they find value in what you have created. 

Finally, be sure to promote any new pieces of a linkable asset on social platforms with suitable hashtags so more people can discover them.

6 . Poor user experience

Poor user experience can also indicate that something isn’t working well with your content. 

If visitors have difficulty navigating through your site due to slow loading times, broken links, etc. then this could lead them to abandon the page before consuming any of its contents. 

To improve user experience, focus on optimizing page speed by compressing images & videos, minimizing code length & complexity, etc. 

Additionally, make sure all links are working properly by regularly testing & monitoring them for errors. 

Finally, make sure all pages are optimized for mobile devices since most users now access websites & consume their content via mobile phones & tablets.

7. Your bounce rate is high

If people are visiting your website but not sticking around very long, then it could be a sign that they aren’t finding what they’re looking for on your website or blog. 

This can lead to a high bounce rate which can hurt the overall performance of your website.

To reduce your bounce rate, make sure each piece of content offers something unique and valuable for visitors so they are inclined to stay on the page longer or explore other parts of the site before leaving again. 

You should also optimize each page for speed so pages load quickly and make sure the layout is easy to navigate so visitors don’t get lost or confused while using the site.

8. You aren’t converting leads

If you have an active blog or website and you’re generating consistent traffic but still not converting leads into customers, then it could be a sign that something is wrong with your content strategy. 

It’s possible that people aren’t finding what they need on the pages they land on or maybe they don’t trust the information being shared on those pages yet.

To fix this issue, start focusing on creating more actionable and helpful pieces of content that will help build trust with visitors over time as well as introducing calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout the site so visitors know how to take the next step after reading a post or article (such as downloading an eBook or subscribing to an email list). 

Additionally, try adding social proof elements (such as customer reviews) throughout the site so visitors feel more confident about working with you moving forward.

9. Low Brand Recognition

If people aren’t familiar with who you are and what type of products/services you offer as a brand, then chances are they won’t be too interested in buying anything from you either. 

This means that something might need to change with your current approach when it comes to building brand awareness through content marketing efforts such as blog posts and social media marketing campaigns.

Consider revising copy used in these types of campaigns so that they focus more on building brand recognition rather than just pushing sales; adjust visuals accordingly; create engaging interactive elements such as polls or contests; promote existing successful campaigns; and focus on building relationships with influencers who can help spread awareness about who you are as a business!

10. Negative Feedback

One way to determine whether or not something might be wrong with your content is by looking at customer feedback – both online reviews left by customers as well as customer service inquiries that come through via email/social media platforms/phone calls, etc. 

Pay special attention to any negative feedback that’s being given – if there’s an ongoing trend here where customers seem dissatisfied with certain pieces of information presented in certain posts/pages etc., then take note of these complaints so that changes can be made accordingly!

11. Unhelpful Customer Service Inquiries

Similarly, pay close attention to customer service inquiries coming through – do they appear repetitive? 

If so, chances are either customers aren’t finding answers quickly enough within existing pieces of information presented throughout various pieces of webpages/blog posts, etc., or they simply don’t understand what’s being presented due solely to lackluster explanations given within said pieces of information (as maybe they’re too technical). 

Keep track of any issues customers may have regarding understanding certain pieces of information presented throughout different webpages/blog posts etc., so changes can be made accordingly!

12. You aren’t building relationships

Content isn’t just about providing helpful information – it’s also about building relationships with readers over time so they feel connected to you and your brand when making decisions about how to spend their money in the future. 

If people are visiting your site but then leaving without forming any kind of connection with you, then it could be a sign that something needs to change in order for them to feel more connected with you.

Try sharing personal stories that the readers can resonate with.


It’s every content creator’s worst nightmare: you’ve been working hard on your content for months, only to discover it’s failing.

The feeling of disappointment can be overwhelming. You may feel like you’ve wasted your time and resources.

But the truth is if you analyze the content thoroughly, you’ll see there are evident signs that your content is not doing as well as expected. You can analyze the reasons behind it and can remedy it.